
Lemon Squeezy


Lemon Squeezy supports 20+ payment methods and automatically issues license keys for your customers after each sale. PkgHub integrates with Lemon Squeezy to grant your customers access to your packages after each sale.

How it works

When a customer purchases your package via Lemon Squeezy, Lemon Squeezy automatically issues a license key for the customer. This license key can be used to access your package via PkgHub.

Read on to learn how to configure your product and package to work with Lemon Squeezy.

Configure your product

Before you can distribute your packages via PkgHub, you need to configure your product in Lemon Squeezy:

  1. Sign in to your Lemon Squeezy account.
  2. Navigate to the Products page and select the product you want to distribute via PkgHub.
  3. Open the Settings tab and enable the Generate license keys option (Read more).

Configure your package

When creating or editing a package in PkgHub you have the option to select Lemon Squeezy as the license provider. All you need is the product ID (and variant ID) of your product.

This is how you can copy the product ID (and variant ID) of your product in Lemon Squeezy:

  1. Sign in to your Lemon Squeezy account.
  2. Navigate to the Products page and select the product you want to distribute via PkgHub.
  3. Open the dropdown via the three dots and click on Copy ID.
  4. (Optional) Select the variant you want to distribute via PkgHub, open the dropdown via the three dots and click on Copy ID.

Once you have configured the package in PkgHub, your customers can install your package via PkgHub using their Lemon Squeezy license key. For more information on publishing and installing packages via PkgHub, please refer to our documentation of the respective package registry.