Package Registry


Publish packages

Read on to learn how to publish packages to our npm registry.

Create a package

Before you can publish your first package, you need to register your package vie the Console. Navigate to the Packages page and click on the Create Package button. Enter all required information and click on the Create button.

Create a token

Next, you need to create a token via the Console. Navigate to the Tokens page and click on the Create Token button. Enter all required information and click on the Create button. Copy the token and save it in a safe place.

Configure npm

Run the following commands to configure npm:

npm config set "@<PACKAGE-SCOPE>:registry"
npm config set "//" <TOKEN>

Attention: Replace <PACKAGE-SCOPE> with your package scope and <TOKEN> with your token.

Publish your package

Once you have configured npm, you can publish your package:

npm publish